速報APP / 新聞與雜誌 / Freedocast Reporter

Freedocast Reporter


檔案大小:35.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Freedocast Reporter(圖1)-速報App

Freedocast Reporter iOS App is designed to broadcast live video/audio from virtually anywhere. Also upload recorded video without loss in quality. The app is designed for reporters/stringers, and is ideal for covering breaking news, interviews, and live events. Freedocast Reporter App helps to expand the number of video contribution sources & send video from the field back to their stations as quickly as possible.

Freedocast Reporter(圖2)-速報App

Features of Freedocast Reporter App

Freedocast Reporter(圖3)-速報App

Live Broadcast Video/Audio

Upload Video, Audio or images with loss in quality

Freedocast Reporter(圖4)-速報App

The Live video from Freedocast Reporter App can be trimmed, downloaded through Freedocast Cloud Platform. Also, the live video can be pushed to PCR/Receiving Station through Freedocast SDI Switcher solution

Freedocast Reporter(圖5)-速報App
